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Wednesday 18 May 2016

Poverty Rising In Europe

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GENEVA, Switzerland - A growing number of Europeans are living in “relative poverty,” the UN labor agency said Wednesday, warning that a lack of quality jobs worldwide was threatening to undo decades of progress in poverty reduction.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) also lamented that, while poverty had declined dramatically in middle-income countries it remained “stubbornly” high in Africa and much of Asia, with nearly two-thirds of Africans still in extreme or moderate poverty.
Overall a new ILO report found that relative poverty -- defined as household income below 60 percent of the national median income -- was on the rise in wealthy nations.
“In the developed world there has been an absolute increase in poverty, notably in this continent of Europe,” ILO chief Guy Ryder told reporters.
In 2012, 22 percent of inhabitants in developed countries -- a full 300 million people -- were living in relative poverty, with more than one third of all children in these wealthy nations considered poor, ILO's 2016 World Employment Social Outlook Report found.
The situation was particularly dramatic in the European Union, which had seen its relative poverty level remain stable at around 16.5 percent for a number of years leading up to the 2008 global financial crisis.
But in 2012 relative poverty in the bloc swelled to 16.8 percent and by 2014 it had hit 17.2 percent, the report said.
The United States also saw its relative poverty rate shoot up by nearly a percentage point from 23.8 percent in 2005 to 24.6 percent in 2012, but it had remained stable since then, the statistics showed.
The findings are bad news after decades of dramatic global progress cutting poverty, especially in the world's poorer nations.
- Decent job deficit -
Today, nearly two billion people live in extreme poverty (less than $1.90 a day) or moderate poverty (less than $3.10 a day), accounting for around 36 percent of the population in emerging and developing countries.
That is down from 67.2 percent in 1990.
“The world has made significant progress in the reduction of poverty,” Ryder said, warning though that the “progress has been uneven and it is fragile.”
While poverty has declined rapidly in middle-income countries like China and in Latin America, it has remained “stubbornly high” in Africa and much of Asia, he said, pointing out that 64 percent of Africans still live in extreme or moderate poverty.
A major obstacle to eradicating poverty, both in wealthy and in poorer nations, is a devastating lack of decent, reliable jobs, offering job and income security, and other rights.
For example, nearly one third of people living in extreme and moderate poverty in emerging and developing countries actually have a job, the ILO report showed.
“Addressing the decent work deficits, and they are considerable, is a necessary condition for ending poverty in all its forms,” Ryder said.
Growing inequality is also a major stumbling block, said Raymond Torres, ILO expert on social and economic issues.
Pointing out that the 30 percent of the global population considered poor holds just two percent of global income, he said it was “past time to reflect on the responsibility of rich nations and individuals in perpetuation of poverty.”
If the global community wants to make good on its commitment to eradicate extreme and moderate poverty completely by 2030, ILO has estimated that some $600 billion needs to be spent annually -- or $10 trillion over the next 15 years.
That amounts to 0.8 percent of the global gross domestic product, but Ryder stressed the burden was drastically uneven.
For developing countries in general, the ambitious target would require investments amounting to 21 percent of their GDPs, while for Malawi, for instance, 78 percent of its GDP would be needed, he said.

EgyptAir Confirm Disappearance Of Flight MS804 From Radar

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 National carrier EgyptAir said a plane carrying 69 passengers and crew on a flight from Paris to Cairo had gone missing on Thursday, disappearing from radar over the Mediterranean Sea.
"An informed source at EgyptAir stated that Flight MS804, which departed Paris at 23:09 (CEST), heading to Cairo has disappeared from radar," the airline said on its official Twitter account.

An informed source at EGYPTAIR stated that Flight no MS804,which departed Paris at 23:09 (CEST),heading to Cairo has disappeared from radar.

Later Tweets by EgyptAir said the plane, which was travelling at an altitude of 37,000 feet (11,280 meters), disappeared soon after entering Egyptian airspace. The aircraft was carrying 59 passengers and 10 crew.

EGYPTAIR A320 was at a height of 37.000ft, and disappeared after entering the Egyptian airspace with 10 miles.
According to, the plane was an Airbus A320 and its last known position was above the Mediterranean Sea.
An Airbus A321 operated by Russia's Metrojet crashed in the Sinai in 31 October 2015, killing all 224 people on board. Russia and Western governments have said the plane was likely brought down by a bomb, and the Islamic State militant group said it had smuggled an explosive on board.
Reuters reported in January that an EgyptAir mechanic, whose cousin joined Islamic State in Syria, is suspected of planting the bomb, according to sources familiar with the matter.
In March, an EgyptAir plane flying from Alexandria to Cairo was hijacked and forced to land in Cyprus by a man with what authorities said was a fake suicide belt. He was arrested after giving himself up.
France's aviation authority could not immediately be reached for comment.

Terrifying Image Of A Ghost Appeared Looking At The Camera

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A video scared many people because of the strange happening that occured to a buyer of a land who decided to take a footage of the land that they are planning to acquire.

The land is located in Rizal, Philippines. According to the man, he was just taking a video of the entire area to be able to show his family.

But he was shocked upon looking at the footage when he saw that there was a strange image looking outside the window.

The slow motion of the video will let you see closer on the real image of the scary creature that was looking at the man taking the video.

According to the landowner, there was a spirit littering around the property. Years back, there was an 8-year old girl who was found lifeless in the land who was said to be violated.

Obama Speaks To Duterte

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WASHINGTON -- US President Barack Obama called incoming president Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday to congratulate him on his election win, stressing that their countries' alliance was based on a commitment to human rights and the rule of law, the White House said.
US officials have signaled that Washington is ready to work with Duterte despite allegations of human rights abuses in the city he led as mayor for over two decades.
Obama's deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, told a Washington seminar earlier on Tuesday that the US administration was aware there was some "controversy" surrounding Duterte and "statements that drew attention in the past," but he did not elaborate.
Obama offered his congratulations to Duterte as the "presumptive president-elect."
He won the largest share of the votes in a May 9 presidential election, according to an unofficial count by a poll watchdog, although the official result has yet to be confirmed.
Obama "highlighted the enduring values that underpin our thriving alliance ... and the longstanding ties between our two peoples, including our shared commitments to democracy, human rights, rule of law, and inclusive economic growth," the White House said.
Washington hoped "to build on progress made with the last administration" in the Philippines, Rhodes said.
"This is a new government and we’ll want to hear from them directly what their priorities are," he said when asked about the election, adding that Washington wanted to see continued efforts to respect the rule of law and combat corruption.
Duterte has been criticized for allowing a spree of vigilante killings under his administration in Davao city, and critics fear he could let them happen on a larger scale as president. 
He has denied ordering any of the killings, but has not condemned them.
Washington has steered clear of the controversy, however, which analysts say reflects the reality of US national security interests given China's increasingly assertive stance in Asia and maritime disputes in the South China Sea.
Duterte's vows to restore law and order resonated with voters, but his incendiary rhetoric and advocacy of extrajudicial killings to stamp out crime and drugs have alarmed many people.
Rhodes noted US support for Manila efforts to resolve its territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea through international arbitration, and a recent deal allowing a greater US military presence in the Philippines.
"We believe that now as much as ever it's important that the US and Philippines are seen working together," he said.
The US stance on Duterte could echo its approach toward India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi. At one point, Modi was unable to obtain a US visa because of concerns about sectarian riots in the state of Gujarat when he was chief minister, but was later invited to the White House when he became prime minister.

Marcos Supporters vowed to Continue The Fight

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Supporters of Sen. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos on Sunday vowed to continue the fight beyond the tight vice-presidential race between their candidate and Liberal Party bet, Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo.
Clad in red shirts, Marcos supporters flocked to the Redemptorist church in Baclaran, Parañaque City  to attend a Mass organized by the Marcos camp and advance their call for truth and integrity in a program dubbed "Buong Bayan Magkaisa".
The church, a popular shrine of the Our Lady of Perpetual which has a seating capacity of 2,000, was occupied by an estimated 500 Marcos supporters and regular church-goers.
“Hanggang buhay kami. Hangga't hindi nakikita ang totoo. We are only fighting for the truth and we know that truth will always prevail,” Romeo Barbosa told GMA News Online.
“Lalaban kami hangga't buhay kami para sa kanya. Naniniwala kami sa kanya. Siya ang nanalo,” he added.
Bernie Taghoy, a registered voter in Caloocan City, emphasized the media's alleged bias against the Marcos family. He claimed that the first Aquino administration ordered the burning of books and documents showing that the country was well off during the Marcos regime so that the future generation would be deprived of the truth about the late dictator who ruled the country for over 20 years.
The 40-year old Taghoy said his family benefited from a housing project in Cavite put up by the Marcos regime. He said his family used to live in the slums between the cities of Caloocan and Malabon.
"Dati, ang nakikita lang namin sa TV is yung panget, mga negative about Marcos. Pero kung susuriin natin, maganda noong time ni Mackoy. Yung infrastructure, talagang tuloy-tuloy, nasaksihan namin yan sa Caloocan,” Taghoy said.
Mackoy is a popular monicker referring to the late President Ferdinand Marcos.
"Nasaksihan namin kung paano ginawa yung mga canal, pinalapad yung mga kalsada, nilipat yung mga squatters. Kasi yung squatters dati sa Caloocan, nasa gitna siya ng canal. Parte kami noon. Yung nanay ko, tatay ko, naging part sila noon. Inilipat sila doon sa Cavite,” Taghoy said.
Raymundo Baclayo, a balikbayan from New Jersey in the US, said Marcos is the true winner in the elections and prays to God that the he gets to be proclaimed the winner.
"Nobody is going to win against God. I believe in my heart that Marcos is going to be our vice president because that's the will of God,” Baclayo said, who is a registered overseas absentee voter.
Massive cheating
Marcos supporters emphasized their stand on the alleged cheating of the tally of votes to allegedly benefit Robredo who is leading in partial and unofficials counts by about 200,000 votes.
Marcos led the count on election night, but Robredo overtook the senators in the wee hours of May 10.
"Kung susuriin natin, talagang may dayaan. Sa lahat ng anggulo makikita mo na may nangyayaring dayaang. Unang-una, gabi pa lang lamang na ng millions tapos suddenly unti-unti (nawala) habang tulog yung mga tao,” Taghoy said.
Taghoy, a member of the Marcos support group Bagong Bayan Magkaisa, dared the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to restore the original hash code of the transparency servers to prove that there were no cheating in the transmission of results.
Romeo Barbosa, a registered voter from San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, said Smartmatic took the public lightly but overlook the fact that other information technology experts are monitoring the polls.
"Akala ng Smartmatic sila lang ang magaling. They overlook the fact na may mas eksperto sa kanila na nagbabantay,” Barbosa said.
"Hinahamon na nga ng IT experts, kasuhan niyo kami, buksan niyo ang (vote counting machines). We will show you paano ang dayaan,” he added.
Barbosa stressed they expect presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte to order the arrest Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista, Budget Secretary Butch Abad, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala, and even outgoing President Benigno Aquino III for allegedly leading the massive cheating.
Barbosa added he used to be an anti-Marcos advocate and claims to be a member of the left-leaning Kabataang Makabayan when he was in college until he realized that the allegations against the late dictator were false.
"Actually noong college ako, anti-Marcos din ako ng second year college, kasama ako ng Kabataang Makabayan. Pero later on, noong third year ako, saka ko na-realize na it's wrong, so I turned my back," Barbosa said.
Nothing against Robredo
The 69-year old Barbosa said he has nothing against Robredo, but said she is surrounded by the wrong people at the Liberal Party.
He said the vice presidency is for Marcos to take.
"We are not against you personally. We are against your principle, your advocacy to be the vice president which is not for you. It's all for BBM,” Barbosa said, who is a member of Bongbong Marcos Loyalist International.
Meanwhile, Baclayo urged Robredo to explore other positions and prove herself first before aspiring for the second highest position in the land.
Baclayo added Robredo must not let herself be persuaded by the administration party.
He then compared Robredo to presidential aspirant Sen. Grace Poe who declared her presidential bid despite being a newbie, while Marcos already established himself in Philippine politics.
"Wag silang magmadali. Hindi pa sila handa eh, hindi pa sila hinog. Patunayan muna nila ang kakayahan nila. Kasi kay Marcos, napatunayan na niya yun,” he said.
"I still believe in the goodness of a person, pero I know how politics goes in the Philippines. I just pray and really hope that God will give us the true and deserving leader, because we need a true leader like BBM,” Baclayo added.

Leni Robredo Claims Victory

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MANILA, Philippines – Claiming an insurmountable lead of 24,000 votes in the vice presidential race, Liberal Party (LP) bet Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo yesterday declared victory amid allegations of irregularities in the canvassing of votes.
“We have already won,” Robredo told her supporters as one of her aides said yesterday that she is “the next vice president of the country.”
The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has yet to tally 15 remaining certificates of canvass or COCs involving about one million votes. For its part, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV), whose unofficial quick count has slowed down, could not say where the LP got its figures.
Boyet Dy, policy head of Robredo’s campaign team, said it would be “mathematically impossible” for Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to overcome her lead even if he received all the votes from areas yet to send their COCs.
Dy said that as of 2 p.m. yesterday, the Comelec had accounted for 99.51 percent of COCs.
He said only nine towns have yet to transmit their COCs: Rizal, Laguna; Allen, Northern Samar; Catarman, Northern Samar; Lope de Vega, Northern Samar; Binidayan, Lanao del Sur; Masiu, Lanao del Sur; Tamparan, Lanao del Sur; Indanan, Sulu, and Bacungan, Zamboanga del Norte.

The nine towns have a total of 168,988 registered voters.
Even if Robredo gets zero votes from the remaining precincts, she will still win by over 24,000 votes, based on data from the Comelec, he said.
“Based on the latest Comelec count including the OAV (overseas absentee voting) and LAV (local absentee voting), Leni is leading by 257,567,” Dy said.  
“It is clear that Senator Marcos can no longer overtake Robredo even if he gets all the remaining votes. For now, no one can stop Leni Robredo. She is the next vice president of the country.”

Figure it out

The PPCRV said the figures mentioned by the Robredo camp might no longer manifest on the transparency server of the Comelec.
PPCRV national vice president Johnny Cardenas said Robredo’s figures may have included the votes from precincts with defective vote counting machines (VCMs) or those which failed to transmit votes, or those that underwent manual count.
“The election results they might hold include those that underwent both automated and manual count,” Cardenas said.
“Those that underwent manual count would no longer reflect on the results sent to the transparency server,” he said.
He added the votes that enter the transparency server are those already transmitted.
Cardenas noted the possibility that the Robredo camp is referring to the copies of election returns provided to the LP, which the Comelec recognized as the dominant majority party.
As of 5:45 p.m. yesterday, Robredo led with 14,022,878 votes, while Marcos remained second with 13,803,654, a difference of 219,224 votes.
At the same time, the Comelec transparency server that the PPCRV takes care of has registered 96.13-percent transmission rate, or 90,630 precincts that have transmitted results.
Cardenas stressed that any candidate should wait for the official canvass before claiming victory.
Robredo’s camp earlier said she would edge Marcos by over 24,000 votes, which would come from municipalities yet to transmit election results.
The Robredo camp apparently referred to the Comelec election results website, which as of 2 p.m. yesterday reported that it had received 99.51 percent of total votes from across the country.
Vice presidential candidates Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr. and Leni Robredo attend mass with their families at the Redemptorist Church in Baclaran, Parañaque City and Ateneo Church of the Gesu in Quezon City, respectively, yesterday. MIGUEL DE GUZMAN, KRIZJOHN ROSALES

Moving on

Robredo thanked her supporters for believing in her and vowed to treat them as “partners” in serving the country.
“I urge you, let us not engage in bickering because we have already won,” Robredo told supporters. “It’s now time to move on for the country.”
Robredo said her victory would not be possible without the help of her supporters. 
“This is truly a people’s campaign,” she said. 
Marcos earlier questioned Robredo’s surge in the canvassing and claimed to have received reports that the results were changed due to the tweaking of a computer command.
He claimed Robredo overtook him at around 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday because of the changing of the hash code.
The Comelec and its technology provider Smartmatic, however, claimed the changing of the hash code did not affect the voting results.
They said a “cosmetic change” was done because the system could not recognize the “ñ” in the names of some candidates.
Despite the explanation, Comelec Commissioner Rowena Guanzon believes Smartmatic breached protocol when it introduced a new script without the approval of the poll body.
She said the incident should be investigated even if the change in computer script did not alter the results.
Critics have accused Robredo of acting like the winner of the vice presidential race even if the canvassing of results is not yet completed.
Robredo told reporters that her camp released their projections, not to preempt the Comelec, but to assure her supporters.
The Robredo camp said they would respect the results of the election.
Robredo reiterated that she would not tolerate any effort to rig the election results.
“I know that you believed in me because you are aware that I won’t allow myself to become an instrument or recipient of cheating,” she said.
Robredo also joked about Marcos’ claim that LP has a “plan B” that involves pushing her to win as vice president and preparing an impeachment complaint against incoming president Rodrigo Duterte.
“Some claim that I have a plan B. But my staff said that my plan B is about my bangs,” she said.
Robredo also urged her supporters to support and pray for Duterte, who has gained close to 16 million votes as of yesterday.
“Let us also support the president. Let us pray for him because he has a very difficult job to do,” she said.
Before claiming victory, Robredo and her daughters Aika, Patricia and Jillian attended mass at the Church of Gesu at the Ateneo de Manila University

Robredo Reached 14 Million Votes

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Vice presidential front-runner Maria Leoner ''Leni'' Robredo reached 14 million in votes in unofficial counts as of Sunday morning, maintaining a margin of 200,000 votes from Ferdinand ''Bongbong'' Marcos Jr. ranke second.

MANILA, Philippines (Updated 6:49 p.m.)  - The camp of Camarines Rep. Leni Robredo said Sunday that her lead over Sen. Ferdinand Marcos in the vice presidential race has become insurmountable as it declared victory after a mass at the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City.
"Malinaw na po, hindi na kakayaning habulin pa ni Senator Marcos ang lamang ni congresswoman Robredo at hinding-hindi po nagsisinungaling ang mga numero," Boyet Dy, Robredo's head for policy, told supporters and members of the media at the gathering.  "Kahit ibigay pa natin ang lahat ng natitirang boto kay Senator Marcos, batay sa tala na official Comelec mismo ang naglalathala, kabilang na ang [Overseas Absentee Voters] at [Local Absentee Voters], lamang pa rin si congresswoman Leni Robredo ng 24, 341."
He said as of 2 p.m. yesterday, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) has accounted for 99.51 percent of Certificates of Canvass.
According to Dy, only nine towns have yet to transmit their COCs namely Rizal, Laguna; Allen, Northern Samar; Catarman, Northern Samar; Lope de Vega, Northern Samar; Binidayan, Lanao del Sur; Masiu, Lanao del Sur; Tamparan, Lanao del Sur; Indanan, Sulu; and Bacungan, Zamboanga del Norte.
The nine towns have a total of 168,988 registered voters.
“Based on the latest Comelec count including the OAV (overseas absentee voting) and LAV (local absentee voting), congresswoman Leni is leading by 257,567,” Dy said.  
“It is clear that Senator Marcos can no longer overtake congresswoman Robredo even if he gets all the remaining votes,” he added.
“For now, no one can stop Leni Robredo. She is the next vice president of the country.”

Robredo: Time to move on, support next president

Robredo thanked her supporters for believing in her and vowed to treat them as “partners” in serving the country.
“Pakiusap ko po, para sa bayan, huwag na tayong makipag-away kasi panalo na tayo (I urge you, let us not engage in bickering because we have already won),” she told supporters at the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City.
“It’s now time to move on for the country,” she added.
Robredo said her victory would not be possible without the help of her supporters. 
"This is truly a people's campaign," she said. 
Earlier, Marcos questioned Robredo’s surge in the canvassing and claimed to have received reports that the results were changed due to the tweaking of a computer command. He claimed that Robredo overtook him at around 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday because of the change in the code.
The Comelec and its technology provider Smartmatic, however, claimed that the changing of the code did not affect the voting results. They said the “cosmetic change” was done because the system could not recognize the "ñ" in the names of candidates.
Despite the explanation, Comelec Commissioner Rowena Guanzon believes Smartmatic breached the protocol when it introduced a new script without the approval of the poll body.
She said the incident should be investigated even if the change in computer script did not alter the results.
Critics have accused Robredo of acting like the winner of the vice presidential race even if the canvassing of results are not yet completed. The Robredo camp, however, denied this and vowed to respect the results of the election.
Robredo reiterated that she would not tolerate any effort to rig the election results.
“I know that you believed in me because you are aware that I won’t allow myself to become an instrument or recipient of cheating,” she said.
Robredo also joked about Marcos’ claim that the LP has a “Plan B” that involves pushing her to win as vice president and preparing an impeachment complaint against leading presidential bet and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.
“Some claim that I have a plan B. But my staff said that my plan B is about my bangs,” she said.
Robredo also urged her supporters to support and pray for Duterte, who has gained close to 16 million votes as of yesterday.
“Let us also support the president. Let us pray for him because he has a very difficult job to do,” she said.
Before claiming victory, Robredo and her daughters Aika, Patricia and Jillian attended mass at the Church of Gesu at the Ateneo de Manila University